Livewell Coaching

Resilience Coaching in the Workplace

Resilience enables staff to stay productive in workplaces or situations that are increasingly turbulent, complex and pressured. These scenarios require staff and teams to:


Stay productive despite increasing demands to do more with less


Adapt to and thrive in constant change and periods of uncertainty


Master the stress of everyday job pressures

Ensure physical and emotional wellbeing is not compromised – making performance sustainable over the longer term.

Angela is the Trauma Specialist & Master Trainer for the Work With Resilience International Consortium and is an ICF Accredited Coach.

For further information regarding workshops please contact Angela via .

Test your Resilience with the Resilience At Work with the (RAW) Scale – a validated psychological measure of employee resilience in the work place. Download a sample copy of the report here.

Simply fill out the form below to receive the link to the online assessment and to book a time to review the results with you. The next step will be to develop a plan to leverage your strengths to build in the areas that are indicated as needing further development to build your resilience.

3 + 4 =

CLICK HERE to read a Journal article on the development of the R@W Scale.

Full details of the research behind the R@W Scale were published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Environmental Medicine in 2013: *A Practical Measure of Workplace Resilience Developing the Resilience at Work Scale Peter C. Winwood, PhD, Rochelle Colon, M Org Psych, and Kath McEwen, B Psych (Hons).

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