There are many support options available
Angela offers individual counselling as well as interactive half and full day workshops in the area of Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue Management and Building Resilience. Workshops are tailored to your organisation’s specific needs.
Through awareness and a system of self-care, professionals can improve their own resilience and develop and maintain wellness through the inevitable stressors of working in the “high-touch” professions and trauma fields.
This list is not all-inclusive, however some relevant professionals include social workers, psychologists, medical professionals (including doctors & nurses), child protection workers, victim advocates, police office officers, fire fighters, court staff, teachers, naturopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors, trauma responders, ambulance workers, journalists, veterinarians, animal rescue workers and volunteers responding in these areas.
Most people who are exposed to traumatic information in their work will experience some symptoms of vicarious stress, vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue at some point in time as it is an inevitable occupational hazard working in these fields. The most important thing is to be able to be able to recognise the warning signs so the potential of these impacts in the workplace can be minimised and overcome.
Vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue management is a specialised area of work involving specific knowledge, assessments, tools and strategies that will assist you to recognise exactly how workers are being impacted by the work. Once able to do this, workers can start to create their own intentional self-care plan; for reducing vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue symptoms and experience while at the same time starting to build resilience and vicarious resilience to minimise the potential for future episodes.
Angela is an Internationally Certified Compassion Fatigue Therapist and Educator and an active member of the International Green Cross Academy of Traumatology. Angela possesses Certificate IV in Training & Assessment Qualifications, is specifically trained and experienced in “helping the helper” to overcome the potential occupational hazards of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue.
For organisations considering booking an interactive workshop or counselling for workers. The benefits of reducing vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue in the workplace are numerous – including reduced absenteeism, enhanced quality of service provision, increased work/life balance of staff, improved mental and physical wellness of staff, reduced staff turnover, improved staff morale, healthy workplace culture, more motivation and energy and improved relationships overall – both personal and professional.
Please call Angela on 0423 585 096 to discuss your organisation’s specific needs.